Age of Empires 2


clip of game play located above!

Age of Empires, to start off great game, fun to play, and easier than Sid Meier’s Civ 5!

When first starting the game up and getting into it for about 10-15 minutes was easily hooked but couldn’t help but notice they get a lot of things wrong! This is most certainly for the purpose of gameplay and to develop a more user friendly narrative. In regards to the campaign Wallace of Scotland remains in charge after the battle of falkirk which indeed he does resign and is no longer a predominant figure present in the Scottish history. Also the ending of Ghengis Khan’s campaign pretty much says the Mongols conquered the regions of Europe and Asia, and shows on the map it puts the entirety of Europe in the Mongol Empire’s borders. Really though, the Mongols did not advance much more after the Battle of Sajo. Most of the game’s objectives do not have any basis in history but that is for the sake of enjoyable gaming experience. Ghengis Khan did not conquer Poland, Bohemia, and Germany by playing capture the flag with them (hahahaha) -found this kind of funny-. Also Don Juan did not construct a gigantic replica of Toro del Oro in Greece in order to trick the Ottomans into losing the Battle of Lepanto. However the use of all the leaders and troops behind them is very well historical. They did a great job incorporating powerful people from the time region in a fun learning manor. Picking up on names and recognizing people such as Ghengis Khan, (my fav character in all domination based games). the story mode in this game is iffy to me however multi player against CPU was very enjoyable.

Image result for age of empires 2 genghis khan
Shown below is Ghengis Khan mission and they do a well job showing the difference in architecture too.

Here is a close up of the Teutonic Knight, The graphics arn’t the best but they deck him out with armor in which would strongly represent how they would have looked back then!

2 thoughts on “Age of Empires 2

  1. Coop, first of all, love the blog post. Second I like how you talked about the campaign i found the one in this game quite interesting and very fun. Have you tried playing the next installment in the series? Age of Empires 3 is one of my favorite games of all time and it completely blows 2 out of the water in every way.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Cooper, I like how you relate it to Civ 5, and I agree much easier than Civ 5. Also, your insights on the historical correctness is very informative. And I like how you threw in your experience with capture the flag. Overall, very good blog and it is quite informative.


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